Types of Popular Pain Relief Drugs used to Treat Different Pains

Pain relief medicines are the true healer of unbearable pain. Whether it is a severe headache, grave stomachache, or any other sort of twinge in the body –the right type of pain killer can play in providing the real relief from intolerable ache –that too in no time.
But there are certain types of drugs which are used to cure different types of pains; let’s have a glance at the popular pain relief drugs which are famous all across the globe, and are used worldwide to treat sundry sorts of pains.  

It is the drug typically used to treat the headaches and some most non-nerve pains. An ideal dose for an adult is: two 500mg tablets of Paracetamol –four times a day. This dose is safe and has zero to little side effects; thereby it can be taken regularly for long periods of time. But make sure not to overdose it as overdosing on a paracetamol can cause serious side effects. If you feel a grave pain –consult to your doctor before increasing or altering the dose. 


Aspirin is a type of NSAID which is the acronym for Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs. NSAID are the drugs which –if you take for longer periods, there's an increased possibility of stomach upset, kidney and heart issues. But Aspirin is not as effective as a painkiller, and thereby it's not usually prescribed for pain. What’s notable about aspirins is –it can put the children under 16 in great jeopardy if they consume it.


Ibuprofen is another kind of NSAID which seems to work great in treating the pain with a clear evidence of an inflammatory cause; for instance arthritis or an injury. It produces the same kind of side effects as other NSAIDs; hence, you should never consume it for longer periods unless your doctor has prescribed it to you. 


Morphine and some drugs like fentanyl, oxycodone, and buprenorphine which are akin to morphine are considered as the strongest painkillers. These all treat the pain in similar way, and should only be used when suffering from severe pain. 

These drugs should only be used as the long-term plan –to help you get rid of your pain, and only if prescribed by a professional doctor.

All the types of pain relief drugs discussed in the list are consumed on a wide rate –regularly. Their popularity and usage call for the need of topical pain relief manufacturers which make it easy for the drug making firms and the brands in producing, packaging and putting the drugs (which are effective and safe to use) on the market shelves.

Location: United States


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